Access Japan Co., Ltd. has established the following privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information of customers using our website ( and is committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information refers to information such as name, date of birth, telephone number, address, email address, preferences, and other information that can identify an individual through one or more combinations of such information.

Purpose of using personal information

We use personal information for the following purposes.
  • To respond to requests and inquiries from customers.
  • To improve our website, services, and products, as well as develop new services.
  • To provide information and conduct selection processes for job applicants.
  • For other purposes for which we have obtained the customer’s approval in advance.

Third-party provision of personal information.

We do not provide personal information provided by customers to third parties except in the following cases.
  • When the customer has given prior approval
  • When required by law or other regulations
  • When necessary to protect the life, body, or property of the customer or a third party and obtaining the customer’s consent is difficult

Management of personal information

We carefully manage the personal information provided by customers, implement appropriate and reasonable security measures to prevent leakage, unauthorized access, and other incidents, and strive to protect personal information. For details of the security measures we take, please contact the “Inquiry Desk” described below.

Disclosure, modification, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information

When requested to disclose, modify, delete, or suspend the use of personal information provided by customers, we will promptly respond within an appropriate range after confirming that the request is made by the customer. For more details, please contact the “Inquiry Desk” described below.

Revision of privacy policy

We may revise this privacy policy due to changes in laws and regulations related to personal information. In such cases, we will promptly notify the revision on this website.

Inquiry Desk

For opinions, questions, complaints, and other inquiries regarding this policy and the handling of personal information, please contact the following inquiry desk.

Address:Forest Hills WESTWING 1F, 4-18-16 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062 WESTWING1F
Phonenumber:+81-3-5771-1 (10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, closed during year-end and New Year holidays and on temporary closures)
Inquiry desk: Access Japan Co., Ltd. Inquiry Desk